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abie_talks_and_listen: Is it LOVE?

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Is it LOVE?

What is LOVE? humorous definition. Love is a heterogegeneous conglomeration of absurdity calculated to bamboozle the anatomy of the individual who becomes intoxicated with its abominable and irresistible power.Could that ever be love??? Another definition. Love is a feeling you when you feel that you're going to get a feeling that you never felt before. Do u think its love??? Romans has many gods, and their god of love is cupid. This chubby boy had wings, and flew with bow and arrows. Whenever Cupid shot with a gold tip arrow, his victims fell blindly in love with the first peron encountered. It surely isn't love!!! One of the grandest description of love is found in the Bible: Love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. it always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres (1Corinthians 13:4-7). Then comes the profound statement, Love never fails...Love's conterfeit is INFATUATION...How can we distinguish the conterfeit from the geniune??? It's really hard to discern. here are some differences between LOVE and INFATUATION: INFATUATION IS RULED BY FEELINGS BUT LOVE'S FEELING ARE RULED BY PRINCIPLE. In infatuation the feelings are in charge , but the problem is that our feelings are fickle,changing,unsteady,change easily. it's like today i feel great so i kiss him, tomorrow i feel bad so i kick him.That's not love! isn't it? love is not controlled by feelings , it does not do anything and everything it feels rather, True love the feelings are under controlled by principle. INFATUATION IS BLIND, BUT LOVE SEES AND EXAMINE. It cannot see and does not wish to see! Do you have eyes, but fails to see??? True love uses its eyes to see and to examine the strengths and weakness of the prospective partner. INFATUATION IS IN A HURRY, BUT TRUE LOVE TAKES TIME. We can put up an artificial Christmas tree overnight, but to grow a real tree, that takes time . am i right??? Inafatuation is ever in a hurry: see her today, court her tomorrow, and marry her the day after! it's love at fisrt sight, it's puppy love.but u know that " puppy love leads to a dog's life." True love takes time-time to know and time to grow. Knowing a person always takes time and there is no "short cut". INFATUATION IS OBESSED WITH EXTERNALS, BUT LOVE IS CONCERNED WITH INTERNALS. "Puppy love" is obsessed with the figure, is slave to fashion, and is intoxicated with sex appeal. Infact, where infatuation reigns, sex dominates the relationship. True love admires the figure, appreciates appropriate fashion, and anticipates sexual intimacy. True love is more concerned with the personality, the kind of person the partner really is. Love examines the habits, the inner virtues or vices, it pays attention to the character, the inner self.reading a person's heart our concern should be more with the beauty of character than the beauty of figure. INFATUATION IS CHILDISH BUT TRUE LOVE IS MATURE. Infatuation is childish and selfish, "Give me " says "puppy love" with little or no concern for other. It is self-centered. But true love is other-centered. It is concerned with the welfare of one's partner. The childish infatuation say's," i dont understand the word tomorrow; give it to me now".it cries for gratification today, regardless of the consequences later. On the other hand, true love refrains from enjoying today that which it will regret tomorrow. Infatuation thinks "like a child" and behaves like a child, but true love is mature- it has "put childish ways behind". Lastly, INFATUATION IS A HUMAN DITCH, BUT LOVE IS A DIVINE LADDER. One goes up, the other goes down. Infatuation is ditch into which blindfolded people fall, but Love is a laddder onto which wide-eyed people climb. In a certain sense, we do not "fall" in love, we climb on to love. True love does not come by accident; it involves effort. It takes thinking and working amd caring. So, while infatuation is a human pit, true love is a daivine ladder. And every person has the freedom to choose between the tradegy of one and the triumph of the other. Now, you can tell if your feeling is only an infatuation or it really must be love!!!


At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love had so many meanings, I define LOVE is what I've found in my sweet who is still seeking and digging the true meaning of LOVE. LOVE is what we are..............

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know sweet love is what we really are....i love u


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